Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Strategic management of technology and innovation 2024: A reflection

In the last few months (Sep-Nov) I got an opportunity to teach “Strategic management of technology and innovation” (SMTI) at IIM Bangalore to EPGP, PGP, and PGPBA students. In a fast-changing technology world, SMTI kept me on my toes even though I was teaching it for the sixth time in the last six years. It was a period when genAI hype had begun to settle down, all tech giants had taken positions in humanoids, and AMD under Lisa Su was doing much better than Intel. Here are a few things that stand out as I reflect on what I learned.

The increasing role of start-ups: Traditionally, Indian companies have focused more on operational excellence and relied on long-term partnerships for technology development and innovation. For example, Tata-Hitachi (construction material), TVS-Suzuki (two-wheelers), Amara Raja Batteries (ARBL)-Johnson controls (battery technologies), etc. However, over the past two decades, some Indian companies have shifted gears in their technology strategy. Some have set up / strengthened their in-house R&D (e.g. ARBL). Moreover, over the past decade, the center of gravity of innovation has shifted towards start-ups and they seem to be playing an increasingly important role in how large companies are managing technology and innovation. Reliance acquired Faradion from the UK in the Sodium-Ion battery space and has invested in the robotics company Addverb, Titan acquired Hyderabad-based HUG innovations to scale the digital watch business, fertilizer player Coromandel Intl is a majority stakeholder in Chennai-based drone startup Dhaksha. Over the past five years, Maruti Suzuki has onboarded 18 startups as business partners through its accelerator. With the startup ecosystem maturing in India, this trend is likely to grow.

Innovation-related disclosures in annual reports: Disclosure of intellectual capital or innovation dashboard in annual reports is not a statutory requirement in India. However, several companies present various parameters such as new products launched, R&D expenses, patents filed/granted, automation achievements, digital onboarding (in banking and insurance space), etc. Some companies also mention continuous improvement-related metric. In fact, in many annual reports, there is a separate section called intellectual capital where this information is presented. There is no consistency in these disclosures, however, it give some idea as to what is important to the company as far as innovation is concerned. For example, please see some of the innovation dashboards from Tata Motors, Asian Paints, SBI Life, and Zomato. I feel a lot can be learned about innovation from these disclosures.

Role of genAI: Unlike last year, genAI tools were no longer a curiosity. They had become part of an accepted toolset. Students were openly discussing it. I can’t say I used it extensively while preparing for the course. However, I found it useful in getting pointers for further study. For example, while studying AMD’s strategy during the last decade, ChatGPT gave useful tips. However, I relied a lot more on annual reports, earnings calls, CXO interviews, etc. I thought the assignments might be a high-scoring match given the access to genAI tools. I am sure the tools were used extensively by students. However, it didn’t guarantee quality reports and there was a lot of variation in the quality of answers and referencing. Let’s see how this aspect evolves going forward.

Guest lectures: We had two guest lectures bringing in a fresh industry perspective. The first one was from Dr. Balvinder Singh who is a leader in camera/vision/XR technology and is credited with Samsung smartphone camera global leadership from Galaxy S3-S24. He presented how camera development especially the role of software has evolved in the past decade. He also shared the important role open innovation is playing for companies like Samsung.

The second guest lecture was from Sunil Mishra, who has decades of experience developing banking products. Sunil gave an overview of the rapidly evolving digital banking ecosystem in India and associated product innovations. Who would have thought India would have virtual or neo banks with no physical branches so soon?

Overall, SMTI-24 was a great learning experience for me. Hope it was the same for students.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Poor customer experience vs poorly-working business model – which is easier to fix?

Given two companies – A – with poor customer experience, and good business model, and B – with good customer experience and non-working business model - where would you bet? Of course, most people would not like to bet on either. But, let’s say you have to choose between the two. Which one would you choose? I asked this question in my class sometime last year. In a class of forty, all except one or two students chose B. That is, they felt it was easier to fix a business model than customer experience. Since then, I have repeated the question multiple times. While the response has never been as lopsided as the first time, there are enough takers for A and B in most cases. Let’s explore the question in this article.

People choosing option B feel that fixing customer experience involves external variables while fixing a business model is internal and hence easier. Option-A guys feel that the business model is deeply entrenched in the company’s guts and hence more difficult to fix. I began this exploration with a bias for option A. I was influenced by the Dunzo case I discussed in class.

We discussed Dunzo’s customer journey and used it to illustrate journey mapping and how Dunzo enhanced its customer experience. While customer experience improved for Dunzo, it struggled on the business model front. For the first few years, its business model relied on partnerships with local stores from whom goods would be sourced as per customer demand. Post 2021 it tried to emulate the quick commerce players like Zepto and Blinkit by moving to a dark store model. This business model is capital intensive, and the unit economics went from bad to worse and Dunzo ended up losing eight rupees for every rupee earned in FY23. Eventually, Dunzo had to shut down.

It was not difficult to find more cases like Dunzo's where a company couldn’t save itself while fixing its business model. WeWork (global), Kingfisher Airlines, and Micromax all had good customer experience and a decent market position. However, they couldn’t save themselves from going bankrupt by making changes to their business model.

What about a similar situation for companies with poor customer experience (option A) and not able to make it? It is easier to start with extreme cases. One area to look at is to see product recalls due to health hazards. This happened to Philips in 2021 when it had to recall more than 5.5 million sleep apnea devices due to the potential dispersion of carcinogenic substances during its operation. It had to spend $1.1 billion to settle the claims. Its valuation dropped to one-fourth of what it was before this incident. It is gaining the lost ground slowly.

Closer home, Ola Electric is facing a barrage of customer complaints and service issues related to its e-scooter. Unlike Philips, Ola Electric isn’t a case of product recall, at least not yet. However, the number of complaints is so high (more than 10,000) that various regulatory bodies like the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) are stepping in and investigating the situation. At this point, it doesn’t appear that Ola Electric is going the Dunzo way. It is holding on to around 30% market share so far. It is likely to bounce back.

Does it mean that fixing a poor customer experience can be challenging but usually not fatal? In contrast, a non-working business model can be fatal? Yes, these are possibilities. However, my bias may still be operational and more study is required.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Insights from a serial entrepreneur – Gupshup CEO, Beerud Sheth’s perspective

If we are lucky, we meet one or two people in our lifetime who appear to be coming from a different planet. For me, it has been Beerud Sheth, a classmate, Gupshup CEO, and a serial entrepreneur. He can easily think twenty steps ahead sometimes spanning twenty years. It was an honour to host Beerud in my class last April at IIT Bombay. Beerud shared his insights from starting two companies Elance, and Gupshup. Elance, a pioneer of online freelancing and gig economy, is now publicly listed on the NY Stock Exchange as Upwork. Gupshup is a leading player in the conversational internet ecosystem. Here are my three takeaways from Beerud’s talk:

  1. Don’t carry entitlement: Beerud’s biggest piece of advice was, “IIT entitlement is all bogus”. When students excel in academics in premier institutes they start carrying an entitlement mindset regarding jobs, salaries, and life in general. “You are not entitled to anything… There are no guarantees,” said Beerud. He experienced this firsthand when he started Elance in 1999. By then he had excelled at IIT (class-topper), MIT, and in his job at Wall Street. He and his co-founders raised money initially from friends and family and subsequently through Series A. However, within a few months dotcom bust happened. Elance had to let go of half the engineers. And situation remained tough not for months, but for years after that. Beerud suggested that the sooner we get rid of this entitlement mindset the better. Otherwise, it may create a significant psychological burden. 
  2. Be close to where the action is:  If the first takeaway highlighted what not to do, the second one suggested what to do – be close to where the action is and do something interesting, and value-adding. Beerud highlighted one particular action that he chose to be close to – a paradigm shift or a platform shift. In the 90s when Beerud was thinking about starting a venture, the Internet was the paradigm shift. And the action was in Silicon Valley – that is where Beerud chose to be. Netscape, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay – those were the hot names. A lot of interesting opportunities get created around a paradigm shift. In contrast, India was a terrible place as far as action related to the Internet shift was concerned in the early to mid-90s. Of course, things have changed since then and now there is action in India, especially in Bombay, Bangalore, and Delhi. 
  3. Conversational Internet will be big: If you think of a chatbot as a new website and messaging app like WhatsApp as a browser, then you can see this as a new kind of Internet, says Beerud. And we have seen how big the web got. And Beerud feels that the movie is being played all over again. Billions of websites and trillion-dollar companies were created out of it. So this new Internet will also create multiple services and multiple companies. All of this got a big boost last year with the rise of LLMs. Instead of structured interactions, you have AI-powered natural language interactions. We have seen the keyboard-and-mouse of the PC revolution and the touch screen of the mobile revolution and now, we are seeing the conversational interface of the current AI revolution. This bridges the digital divide as the grandma and people in remote rural villages can access the Internet through conversation in a natural language. This is what a platform shift looks like. Now, everything you know about the Internet has to be rebuilt and reinvented around the conversational AI ecosystem.  The use cases will remain the same, entertainment, shopping, learning, etc. But AI agents will be the key players in this game doing the iterative conversational interaction showing multiple options while shopping. We will have an AI shopkeeper, an AI bank manager, an AI educator, a therapist, a travel guide, etc. And it will be multimodal – text, images, audio, video, metaverse with AR/VR, etc. This is where Beerud’s company Gupshup is betting big on.

It was a great talk. Students really enjoyed his stories and nuggets of wisdom. Thanks, Beerud for sharing your insights, and wishing you and Gupshup all the best!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

My favourite quotes from Daniel Kahneman

One of my heroes, Daniel Kahneman, passed away last month at the age of 90. Ever since I heard his talk on YouTube on “Marvels and flaws of human intuition” sometime in 2009, I became his fan. I listened to the talk like how people listen to a music album again and again. A couple of years later, his book “Thinking, fast and slow” was published and soon he became a celebrity. I continued to listen to his interviews. I ended up using the biased-agent model rather than the rational-agent model in all my work related to innovation capacity & culture building, design thinking, and mindfulness. In this article, I would like to present four of my favourite quotes from Kahneman.

Rational agent model is a non-starter: I remember hearing this from Kahneman in multiple interviews over the past decade and it created a deep impression in my mind. He said in this interview last year (April 14, 2023): “Consistency of beliefs and preferences, which are the essence of rationality in that model — it's important to see what it implies. It's not the same thing as reasoning correctly, that is, of saying two things that are consistent with each other in the same conversation. It's that your beliefs, the whole system, your beliefs and preferences, taken one at a time, make up a consistent system. And that is psychologically a non-starter. That's simply because our beliefs and our preferences are so context-dependent and the context is highly specific and momentary, that this type of consistency is not conceivable.” So beautifully put.

Cognitive biases act like optical illusions: I mentioned this quote along with the cartoon below three years ago while presenting a working definition of mindfulness. In “Thinking, fast and slow” he says “Cognitive illusions can be more stubborn than visual illusions”. Kahneman is not suggesting that we don’t change our mind. He says, “To a good first approximation, people simply don't change their minds about anything that matters." And, he elaborates this with, “I think I'm actually known for changing my mind. This is one of the traits that all my collaborators complain about, because I keep changing my mind. But I keep changing my mind about small things. Then what I discovered actually, in part while preparing that talk on adversarial collaboration, there are things on which I just won't change my mind. Some of these I've believed since I was 17 or 18, so certainly are not going to change now.” We could be deeply attached to a religion, national identity, political ideologies, and even scientific theories. My guess is that Kahneman would have been deeply saddened by the way Israel-Gaza conflict has unfolded since the last October, demonstrating the stubbornness of cognitive illusions.

Focus on the process, not the outcome: We live in a world where successful outcome is worshipped. Individual net worth, startup valuations, election results, winning IPLs, competitive exam scores, your position, and possessions, etc. Schools teaching entrepreneurship have a vision of producing a certain number of unicorns. Kahneman knew that this lopsided emphasis on outcome is a mistake.  He said, “The key feature of decision-making under uncertainty is that there is no perfect correlation between the quality of decisions and quality of outcomes. You could make a good decision and fail and you could make a bad decision and succeed.” And he advises later in the talk, “Try to focus on the process, and not on the outcome”. For more on this, check out my blog “Rewarding innovation: process vs outcome”.

Human mind does not deal well with nonevents: I am sure I must have encountered nonevents before I read about them in “Thinking, fast and slow”. But since then, they have become a large part of my life. I see them all the time everywhere. After narrating Google’s success story, Kahneman says, “There is a very good story here. Fleshed out in more detail, the story could give you the sense that you understand what made Google succeed; it would also make you feel that you have learned a valuable general lesson about what makes businesses succeed. Unfortunately, there is good reason to believe that your sense of understanding and learning from the Google story is largely illusory. The ultimate test of an explanation is whether it would have made the event predictable in advance. No story of Google’s unlikely success will meet that test, because no story can include the myriad of events that would have caused a different outcome. The human mind does not deal well with nonevents.” Now, every moment events appear to be a tiny fraction of nonevents, most of them my mind is not even capable of fathoming. My mom’s fall from her bed in the old age home a couple of days ago was a lucky event because today she can walk to the dining hall on her own.

image source: etinsights.et-edge.com

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Psychedelics-mindfulness relationship: My 3 takeaways from Roland Griffiths' perspective

This week I got an opportunity to conduct a mindfulness session for IIT Bombay students thanks to my friend Prof. Devdip Purkayastha. One student asked, “How are psychedelics related to mindfulness?” This was not the first time the topic of psychedelics was raised in my mindfulness session. Questions like this prompted me to study the scientific literature on the subject over the past 2-3 years and what I found was quite fascinating. In this article, I would like to present my 3 takeaways from the Rolland Griffiths interview with Tara Barch titled “Meditation, psychedelics, mortality: A conversation with Tara and Roland Griffiths”. Roland Griffiths (1946-2023) was a professor of psychopharmacology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and is sometimes called the person who led a renaissance in psychedelics research over the past two decades.

Neuroscience of psychedelics and meditation is in its infancy: When asked, “Can you give us just a brief bit of the science, the common pathways that thus far is thought between how psychedelics work in the brain and how meditation works in the brain? Like how do they both have the effects they have of giving us that enlarged sense of being?” (45:05) Rolland responds, “One answer to that is our understanding of that is truly primitive,” and then he adds, “The neuroscience of understanding how these experiences unfold with both psychedelics and meditation is exciting, there's a lot of research going on, but again, it's at its infancy”.  “One of the most intriguing things that bring meditation and psychedelics together is the observation that acute psychedelics produce a decrease in the functioning of something called the default mode network (DMN).” (46:27) This large-scale brain network is known to be active while one is engaged in self-referential thinking (past, future, social evaluation, moral reasoning, etc). DMN is also known to be less active during mindfulness practice involving attentional focus on body sensations and breath, etc. However, DMN is not an anatomically well-defined term and its function and its relationship with psychedelics and mindfulness is an active research area.   

Psychedelics-based guided therapy could act as a crash course in mindfulness: This is how Roland describes the instructions given to subjects undergoing psilocybin-based guided therapy at his lab – “We tell people, you're going to have this experience, it may or may not be pleasant. It can take all kinds of shapes and forms. There may be visualizations, there may not be. And all we want you to do is pay attention to that experience, be present with it. We're here to support you should you start feeling uncomfortable but we're going to continue to ask you to go back in. And then we forewarn people about these experiences can be very, very difficult and we'll give a metaphor. We'll say, so, for instance, with psilocybin you can get a lot of visualization and so as a thought experiment let's suppose a demonic figure appears within your consciousness and this is something more terrifying than you can imagine, it's made by you, for you. And your natural impulse is going be to run or to fight it and you want to do neither of those two. You want to just recognize it as an object of consciousness.”  (21:06) If people learn to stay with such an intense experience without getting drawn in, they feel empowered in a way that they didn’t believe is possible before. Roland feels these instructions “amount to a crash course in mindfulness” (21:06) and he calls it “meditation on steroids”. (24:43)

There is no stability in psychedelics-based investigation and is riskier than mindfulness: Both psychedelics and mindfulness enable investigation of the nature of mind. Both are risky. Roland says, “There are a couple of significant risks that can come out of psychedelic exposure, and first and foremost is that people under unsupervised conditions, unscreened conditions can just engage in dangerous behaviour and they can get disoriented, they can get panicked, they can be confused to the point that they do themselves or others significant harm. And so, these have to occur under conditions that discourage that. But apart from that, there are biological predispositions that would seem to be very unfavourable.” (42:10) He adds, “My view is that the only way to achieve stability in this investigation of nature of mind is through practices such as meditation or other embodied practices and psychedelics can be misleading and certainly don't, in my judgment, represent a path in and of themselves because there is just no stability in it. And then certainly some people can get caught in the grasping for the experience and that could derail them. And then there are certainly more risks involved in the use of psychedelics than there are in meditation.” (37:55)

While writing this article, I came across a recent New York Times article “The psychedelic evangelist” that mentions that a former colleague of Roland has filed a complaint against Roland for running his research lab like a new-age retreat centre with religious symbolism and steering volunteers towards the outcome he wanted. It is also alleged that the drugs come with unpredictable risks, such as psychotic episodes, increased suicidality, or extended emotional difficulties, which are most likely underreported by his research lab.

Do these questions related to unethical research practices change my takeaways? No. The three takeaways are quite conservative and Roland certainly didn’t appear like a “salesman” for psychedelics in this interview which occurred while he was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer. I haven’t used any psychedelics personally yet but I am curious about these developments as Roland says, “I see them (psychedelics and meditation) as just very close cousins, and there really may be value of much better investigation of how psychedelics can facilitate the exploration of the nature of mind when put into context of meditation.” (39:15)

In a subsequent article, I plan to explore a unified framework called the REBUS hypothesis (Relaxed Beliefs Under Psychedelics) proposed by Robin Carhart-Harris and Karl Friston.

image source: wikipedia.org

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Culture of innovation: 4 attributes and 3 kinds of evidence

Last month I got an opportunity to conduct a session on “Fostering a culture of innovation” for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) business owners in Bangalore organized by Essae Chandran Institute. We began by exploring the following question. “Assume there is a magic wand that has created a culture of innovation in your organization today. What new stuff will you notice when you go back?” It took some time before participants started responding with “passion”, “curiosity”, “ideas”, etc. Culture is a fluffy stuff and it helps to have something more tangible in recognizing whether it is innovative. In this article, I would like to present four attributes and three kinds of evidence that may give an indication of an innovative culture.

  1. Curiosity: Curiosity is perhaps the most underappreciated attribute of innovative culture. Are people raising questions in meetings? Are questions appreciated? For a complex challenge, is there collaboration to frame it with sufficient depth? 
  2. Creativity: This is the most visible aspect of innovative culture. Idea portals, idea walls, brainstorms, off-sites, if there is idea generation, it is generally visible.
  3. Experimentation: In manufacturing and hardware-centric businesses, experimentation may be happening only in laboratories. In software, it could happen anywhere. It could also be visible in prototyping events such as hackathons. Appreciation of good experiments despite failures is an uncommon but crucial aspect of the maturity of the culture.
  4. Demo & Review: Innovation review is, in my opinion, the defining characteristic of innovative culture. Who participates in the review? What kind of questions are asked? Are resources (people, budget) allocated? Do demos happen in the review or just slide show?

Some of these characteristics like creativity are visible on the walls as one walks around in the organization or perhaps on the walls of the intranet. Some others like reviews and experimentation happen in conference rooms and labs.  For some of the SME business owners I interacted with last month, experimentation was the most challenging aspect as it involves investment in tools and expertise in designing and executing experiments. And I agree. However, I feel that a culture of continuous improvement is a good place to start the journey as it doesn’t involve major investment. Many times business leaders want to focus only on big bets.

It takes years to build a culture as evident in Toyota's idea management system dashboard. It took five years for the participation to cross ten percent and almost fifteen years for it to reach thirty percent. In contrast, destroying a culture doesn’t take that long. Imagine a CEO sending a curt message saying that failure will not be tolerated. It won’t be surprising if people stop experimenting due to fear of failure.

Appreciation is a tricky lever. If you decide to appreciate every idea, then appreciation loses its significance. And if you decide to appreciate only the successful innovations, then smart failures remain unappreciated. In a place where only success matters, people will avoid risk so as not to fail. One needs to find the right balance between efforts (giving ideas, doing experiments, making a business case) and outcomes.

I feel an innovation review is a powerful lever, especially for senior management. A lot can be communicated through the decisions and feedback given during a review. For example, a review that emphasizes a demo vs just a slideshow sends a message that prototyping matters.

Hope this characterization helps in deriving a basic assessment of the culture of innovation in small and big organizations and gives direction on possible plans of action.

Friday, January 26, 2024

My 3 takeaways from Agastya’s “Student, teacher, and AI” conference at Kuppam

Thanks to my friend Ajith Basu, I got an opportunity to participate in the “Student, teacher, and AI”, a national conference held at Agasty’s beautiful Kuppam campus. I was part of the facilitation team with Shriram Bharathan and Suhasini Seelin. The participants came from education departments in the central and several state government offices, schools, colleges, corporates, startups, and NGOs. The conference had 3 thrust areas: (1) demystifying AI, (2) the role of AI in future curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, and (3) AI's influence on social and emotional learning. Here are my 3 takeaways from my sketchy and selective notes.

Self-learning may be a myth: AI is going to enable self-learning by generating personalized insights. For example, AI can tell the teacher that specific four students are weak in – say “division by 7”. This perspective was championed by Anand Rangarajan of Google among others. Having experienced online self-learning and being a beneficiary of YouTube’s recommendation engine myself, I was drawn to this view. However, Prof Bindu Thirumalai of TISS was vocal in suggesting that self-learning is a myth. Learning is fundamentally a social phenomenon and peer group and mentoring play a crucial role. Having grown up in an educated family and having access to helping friends, could my understanding of self-learning be flawed? I am curious.

Empathy, not yet, but beware of biases today: We looked at a short fictional case where Preetha, a personal artificial assistant, acts as an empathic friend to an 8th-standard girl, Swati, who is struggling with math in the class. Experts felt that most of the technological elements needed for the dialogue are already present. However, the degree of empathy and warmth demonstrated in the story is still missing in the human-AI interaction.

We also explored biases exhibited by Swati and Preetha. While we were doing that Dr. Pradeep from Google fed the story to Bard and showed us how Bard can identify biases participants had not spotted yet. We also reflected upon our own biases we are carrying. During this exercise, most of us were using the term biases to mean prejudices and inclinations. Prof Arun Tangirala of IIT Madras championed a view that for something to be called a bias, we need to have a ground truth and evaluate whether there is a systematic error of judgment. While there were differences in the meaning of bias, there was a consensus that biases will be amplified in the AI world, and it demands greater awareness.

Will AI enable creative adaptive intelligence? Not clear. Ramji Raghavan of Agastya proposed that to live in a world where technology such as AI widens the complexity gap, we need creative adaptive intelligence. Will AI enable it? It is not obvious. Some participants felt that they were already turning to ChatGPT for every problem, and that meant they were becoming lazy. Prof C. K. Manjunath from SMVITM, Mangalore presented how an AI-enabled advertisement such as Titan Eye+ becomes interactive and fun and asked, “How can an average teacher match this creativity?” Ms Changra, the Education Minister from Dharamsala, felt that unless we are alert, technology overdependence may affect our mental well-being.

To me personally, the two high points of the conference had very limited AI in it. One was a play by kids from Ganganagar Government School in Bangalore directed by Suhasini, and the second one was a veena recital by Vidushi. Sujatha Thiagarajan. Both evoked strong emotions. Would an AI-enacted play or an AI-recital in the future have a similar effect? I don’t know.

image credit: Agastya International Foundation